8 Things To Do With Your Spouse Before 8AM For Greater Intimacy

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daily morning routine

Bonding is one crucial aspect of a beautiful relationship and can be created as part of couples morning routine. As humans, the relationship we form with our spouses is vital to our mental and emotional wellbeing and really, our survival.

A positive relationship that fosters a deeper connection can be shared between any two people who love, support, encourage, and help each other. The key to a healthy and lasting relationship is to maintain the flames of joy, happiness, and laughter in it.

The daily morning routine you create with your spouse can make all the difference when it comes to having a happier relationship, which is why much attention should be given to how you begin your day with your partner.

This morning routine for couples helps to trigger the feeling of understanding and ease of communication between you and your spouse.

Couples morning routine are one goal couples should work towards achieving. You may ask, what’s couples morning routine? It is a sequence of action couple are to regularly follow. A course of action to be followed by couples every morning.

Not sure how you feel about waking up earlier? Believe me, I wasn’t a huge fan of the idea either. All I wanted was more sleep! But if you just try this little experiment for one week, I’m pretty sure you’ll be amazed at the difference little morning routines can make in your life – from your productivity and happiness to your relationship with your spouse. Just try it and see for yourself!

According to Dr. Maxwell Maltz, it takes about 21 days to form a new habit, so, you’ll be fine. Surprisingly, you may have already had some of the routines as a part of your daily morning routines, it’s no big deal! Just invite your partner to join you.

What are those couples morning routines like? You may want to ask. Ready for it? Here it goes.


8 Things To Do With Your Spouse Before 8AM For Greater Intimacy

8 Things To Do With Your Spouse Before 8 Am For Greater Intimacy


1. Reach For Your Spouse

“Morning without you is a dwindled dawn.” – Emily Dickinson

Once you wake up in the morning, reach out to your spouse on the bed with a sweet touch and a smile. Touching your partner first thing in the morning sends a message across.

I will tell you that one touch will go a very long way in keeping you connected. Touch plays a vital role in generating and enhancing love. It fosters closeness and togetherness in a relation. People feel more connected in a relationship in which physical affection is a significant part.

Studies show that touch signals “Safety and trust“, two things that are wanted and needed in a relationship. It signifies care and a stronger sense of companionship between couples. To touch someone you love is to acknowledge their presence and to communicate your desire for them. It’s that human connection that wins the day.

When we are touched by a partner, we experience a surge in the hormone oxytocin, often called “Love hormones in the brain”, which helps to sustain feelings of deep attachment.

Touching your partner fuels your bond, it helps start your partner’s day. It helps them in knowing they are loved, not alone, and that they are of great value to you.

Snuggle with your spouse in the morning, you could plant a light kiss, ask how well he/she slept. The health of your relationship is dependent on a lot of different things and a meaningful physical touch is one of them.


2. Reach For The Scripture And To Your Maker

The couple that prays together stays together – Unknown

The love for mornings can’t be overemphasized because the house is quiet (usually) and it’s wonderful to connect spiritually before starting our daily commitments. There’s just something about connecting with God before connecting to the world that makes a big difference in how our days go.

The value of reading the Holy book and reaching to your maker is to keep you united against all odds. It gives you and your spouse a way to spend special time together, talk about things that matter, considering God’s word, praying and taking actions to strengthen and recharge your relationship.

Talking to your maker is no competition, so, that means time together without struggles and trying to win. When you include asking about praises and prayer requests and then pray for each other, it encourages empathy and caring. In applying what you read, you’ll be working on loving and serving one another.

The word of God is full of wisdom that can help us handle the different areas of life, including relationships. They say, if you are praying for your spouse, you become spiritually attached to him/her.

Well, I believe it is true because if you keep on blessing your partner in the spirit you contribute to his/her wellbeing in the physical realm. Making this a habit or a morning routine with boyfriend is also one way of supporting and helping each other.


3. Morning Routine Exercise

It’s no secret that having a buddy is an excellent tool that helps many people stay accountable and motivated in their fitness goals. Early morning sweat sessions can be like mini daily dates for couple and an enjoyable couple routine.

Spending that time together and doing some form of activity together has a way of increasing closeness and strengthening your bond as playmates. You can engage in any exercise that you enjoy (jogging, skipping, performing yoga), etc.

Don’t work at being healthy alone, encourage your spouse also. Morning workouts are one of the best ways to feel energized and prepared for the day.

A sense of healthy competition can prevail between you and your spouse which will keep your fitness level high and as well improve your relationship.

Working out together guarantees that you spend time with your spouse, which in turn increase your emotional bond and boost your physical attraction to each other. You laugh, play, and create special memories.

When working out together, you can create a context in which you can coordinate your action. For example, you might lift weight in rhythm with your partner.

Match your walking or running pace with his or hers, or toss medicine balls back and forth. Such behavior creates non-verbal matching or mimicry, which benefits you both.

Exercising with your partner can intensify endorphins released as you both work towards a physical challenge that can make you feel more satisfied and in love.

Exercise induces the symptoms of physiological arousal, sweaty hands, a racing pulse, and shortness of breath. These symptoms mirror, in many ways, the thrills of romantic attraction. Use this phenomenon to your advantage by inviting your partner to workout with you.

If you aren’t big on the daily workout routines, you can make this a weekend routine; it is certainly one of the 8 Things Happy Couples Do On Weekends.


4. Assist With Some House Chores

House chores are tasks such as cooking, cleaning, washing, etc that have to be done regularly at home. Couples who do chores together are happier.

They see themselves as a team and working as a team in the morning builds connection and relationship happiness that continues throughout the day.

Doing chores together makes the chores go quicker, builds communication with your partner, and even turn the dishwashing steamy. Your spouse may enjoy doing the dishes while you cook. You could make funny remarks and just play like kids while at it.


5. Lovingly Shower Together

This is one fun couples morning routine. Hopping in to shower together on a quick morning can be fun. Whether you’re headed out to work for a stressful day or you’re off to Sunday brunch, showering together in the morning will give any day a good start. Showering together increases intimacy between you like nothing else.

When a couple shower together, they discover each other entirely, sharing each aspect of themselves and hiding nothing. It brings you close and you connect to your partner at every level which gives you the chance to build trust and confidence in your relationship and to be comfortable in your skin.

Showering together gives you the park of getting your back scrubbed. it is easier to clean when someone is helping you. It also allows you to enjoy a romantic shower where you explore your partner’s sensual zones and wash each other clean as well.


6. Eat Breakfast Together

morning routine

Couples who eat together have a stronger level of communication because they’re completely present on the table. They’re sitting with each other and having a meaningful conversation while enjoying their food.

Across cultures and time, food sharing is an almost universal medium for expressing fellowship. It embodies the values of hospitality, duty, gratitude, sacrifice, and compassion.

The shared meal is an opportunity not only to eat but also to talk, to create and strengthen bonds of attachment and friendship, to teach and learn.

While eating together you may see it as just a practice but in reality, you are creating a stronger and more comfortable bond with each other that has the potential to evolve into a deeper relationship.

Having breakfast with your partner can add flavor to your day together while also giving your body the nourishment it needs. Not everyone is a fan of a gut-busting breakfast thing in the morning. Some people feel sluggish after eating a huge meal and that’s not an ideal way to head into work.

Breakfast can even simply mean having a cup of coffee together with a bit of fresh fruit or a piece of toast. When you sit for breakfast touch knees with your spouse, while you eat you could play footsie with your spouse under the table make sure you share a meal, even if it’s a bowl of cereal in the morning.


7. Compliment Each Other

morning routine for couples

I know some people think words are unimportant, but they are important, very important. In fact, God created the world and us with just words! Everyone likes to hear that they look nice, everyone likes to hear that they are loved.

Verbal communication, being able to express how you feel to your spouse through words that you speak is very essential.

As humans, we constantly crave positive attention, and appreciating our spouse is key to any relationship (check out 10 Ways To Make Your Man Feel Like A King for more insight).

Appreciation makes your partner feel good about what they do and that it makes a difference in their lives. It makes them feel better about themselves urging them to go on with new vigor, strengthening your relationship.

A compliment is an expression of praise, a formal act of civility, respect, and regard. A sincere compliment boosts one’s morale. The friendship between both of you is strengthened and you create a happy moment for the two of you to share.

The long-term success of a relationship is partly dependent on how both parties show gratitude for each other and complimenting your partner is one sure way of doing that. When complimenting your partner, you focus on the positive you see in them.

The good news is that compliments are simple and cost nothing. One important aspect of couples morning routine is to tell your spouse how beautiful they look. You won’t be in a relationship if you weren’t struck by their charm and beauty. Always remind them how beautiful they are. Remind them how perfect that part of their body that attracts you most.

Compliment your spouse’s character, comment on your spouse’s sweetness, intelligence, kindness, and a big heart, so they can feel like they are a valuable part of your life. Tell your spouse how much you love and appreciate them. Be grateful for their lives and thank them for choosing to spend their life with you every day. Let your mate know how their fragrance makes you feel.

Compliment their color combination, their look, smile, and even the aura you feel being around them. To compliment effectively, focus on a quality you especially value in your partner, such as “I really appreciate how dedicated you are as a mother to our children” or focus on specific deeds.

Instead of just saying “Thanks, honey”, say “Thank you for washing the dishes, honey, It means a lot to me”. Use congruent body language when you compliment. Smile, make eye contact and speak warmly and sincerely. If you are the recipient of a compliment, take it in graciously.

Don’t be self-deprecating or deny your partner’s perspective on something positive or good. Compliments offer encouragement, compliments help communication, and compliments can spice up things. Laugh and have fun while appreciating each other.


8. Share A Hug And A Kiss To Seal Your Morning Routine

Affection is responsible for nine-tenths of whatever solid and durable happiness there is in our lives. – C. S. Lewis

Hugging and kissing your spouse before you head out the door and go separate is one unique couples morning routine. A heart to heart hug can have significant benefits on our mental and physical health and happiness. A good hug increases the feeling of intimacy, appreciation, belonging, safety, and security.

The energy exchange between the people hugging is an investment in the relationship. Hugging and kissing are expressions of love that keeps the relationship connected and strong. A kiss can communicate that you love and miss your spouse.

Researchers found that men whose wives kissed them goodbye every morning were more successful than men who were not kissed. Kissing boosts confidence and self-esteem by improving your state of mind, balancing your mood, and raising your happiness level.

A simple farewell kiss was the one consistent factor that set high achievers apart from the rest. Can you imagine that? So when next you are set to go out, never leave without a hug and a goodbye kiss. The sound of a kiss is not as loud as that of a cannon but its echo lasts a great deal longer.


Final Words On Couples Morning Routine

Woohoo! 8 Things To Do Before 8 am To Maximise Connection With Your Spouse. As little as couples morning routine may seem, they go a long way in determining the strength of your relationship and how long it may last. So, I urge you to pick up a couples morning routine today and make your relationship last the test of time.

Which of these couples morning routine do you have with your spouse? Are there other fun couples morning routine that is not listed here? I’ll like to hear all your answers, opinions, and suggestions in the comment section below, feel free!

Please don’t forget the share button to share this article with all your favorite platforms. I’m sending you all Love and Light from my corner on the globe. Ciao!


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Author: Lover Sphere

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