10 Sane Steps For When He Makes You Angry

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Anger can cause people to act impulsively and say things they don’t mean. It can also lead to physical symptoms like headaches and increased heart rate, and this right here is why you should learn to control your emotions when angry.

Most ladies tend to react harshly whenever their man makes them angry and that’s is why it’s important to know things to do when he makes you angry, that would distract you from doing or saying things that would regret later, and for this post, I’m excited to share with you tips to stay calm when he makes you angry.


What Should I Do When My Boyfriend Upset Me?

When your boyfriend upsets you, the best and most important thing to do is to communicate your feelings to him calmly and respectfully. You should not say things out of anger in order not to upset him and make the whole issue complicated.

Many relationships have been broken and both partners have been left with regrets just because they were unable to control their feelings and emotions when angry with each other. Let me quickly share with you a story of how my friend Emily, relationship ended with her boyfriend because she wasn’t calm and she took actions out of anger when her boyfriend upset her.

So, there was a couple named Emily and Mark. They had been together for two years and were deeply in love. However, one day Mark made a mistake that upset Emily. He had forgotten their anniversary, and when Emily brought it up, Mark didn’t seem to understand why it was a big deal.

Emily was hurt and angry. She felt like Mark didn’t care about their relationship. She tried to explain her feelings to him, but he didn’t seem to be listening. Emily became increasingly frustrated and started to lash out at Mark. She would get angry over small things and pick fights with him constantly.

Mark tried to make things right, but Emily’s anger and resentment continued to grow. She refused to forgive him and would bring up the anniversary incident every time they argued. Mark felt like he was walking on eggshells around Emily and didn’t know how to make things better.

Eventually, Emily’s constant anger and negativity became too much for Mark to handle. He tried to talk to her about it, but she refused to listen. In the end, Mark decided that he couldn’t continue the relationship if Emily couldn’t let go of her anger and forgive him.

Emily was devastated when Mark ended things. She realized too late that her inability to handle the situation had caused her to lose the person she loved. She learned a valuable lesson about the importance of communication and forgiveness in a relationship, but it was too late to salvage what she had lost.

In the end, Emily was left alone with her regrets and the knowledge that her inability to handle the situation had cost her the love of her life.

If Emily had known about these steps for when he makes you angry that I’m about to share with you in this post and has also put them into action, then maybe she wouldn’t have put her relationship at stake and would not be left with regrets.

things to do when he makes you angry


10 Sane Steps For When He Makes You Angry

There are certain things to do when he makes you angry and trust me when I say they are simple things but would surely require patience and lots of self-discipline. Here is a list of 10 things to do when you are feeling angry with your partner.


1. Stay Calm

Take some time to cool down before talking to your boyfriend about what upset you. Take some time to calm down and collect your thoughts. You don’t want to say something you might regret later because words uttered at a moment of anger most times can be hurtful and might stay in your partner’s head forever.

Staying calm and giving yourself time to process your anger and get to a resolution is one of the things to do when he makes you angry.


2. Don’t Be Rude

Being rude to the point of anger might make the whole issue more complex and complicated which I’m sure you don’t want and won’t like, so I would say instead of you being rude you can decide to remain silent and keep those words of anger buried inside of you, trust me you’re going to be happy that you didn’t sound rude after your anger is resolved. This is an answer to what to do when he pisses you off.


3. Express How You Feel Calmly

Explain how you feel in a calm and polite manner once you know you’re ready to talk.

Explain how his actions or words made you feel. Be specific and use “I” statements, such as “I felt hurt when you said/did…” This would make it easy for him to see how bad he has hurt you and of course, if he isn’t heartless he would surely feel remorseful and sorry for making you feel that way, this right here would finally lead to a resolution.

This is one of the things to do when he makes you angry.


4. Understand The Whole Situation

Another important answer to your question of what to do when your partner pisses you off is to understand the whole situation. Think about what happened, and finally work towards a resolution together.

Once you’ve both had a chance to express your feelings and understand the situation then you will also work together to find a resolution. This may involve compromising or finding a way to prevent the situation from happening again.

If you are on a quest to find out the things to do when he makes you angry, try to understand the whole situation.


5. You Can Laugh It Out

Humor is great, and in situations or at points of anger it helps, instead of you getting angry when your man upsets you, you can decide to laugh out the whole situation and free yourself from the anger and resentment. This is one of the things to do when he makes you angry but I can tell you categorically that not all ladies are capable of doing this.


6. Forgive Him

One of the tips to stay calm when he makes you angry is to forgive and move forward. It’s important to forgive your boyfriend or husband and move forward after he made you angry once a resolution has been reached.

Forgiveness is one of the most powerful tips for a happy marriage. Holding onto grudges or resentment can harm your relationship in the long run and I’m sure you wouldn’t like that for yourself, so once you both have understood the whole situation and taken time to explain things well to each other and lastly reached a resolution, the next thing to do is to forgive him and let go of all grudges.

This tip right here is the most important of all the things to do when he makes you angry.


7. Remain Silent To Avoid Saying Hurtful Things

When you are angry, it can be difficult to control what you say. Remaining silent can help you avoid saying something you will regret later and it’s almost just the same as you ensuring you stay calm and stay cool. Staying silent is one of the vital things to do when he makes you angry.


8. Have Time Alone To Let Go Of Your Anger

Having time alone can give you a chance to calm down and process your thoughts and feelings. It can help you gain perspective and come up with a plan for how to handle the situation that made you angry. Spending time alone with yourself can help you let go of every anger and it’s one of the sane things to do when he makes you angry.


9. Writing Can Help You Release Tension

Writing is one activity you can engage yourself with when you don’t know what to do when your partner pisses you off. Writing can help you get your mind distracted from what happened and also help you release all tensions, feelings of anger, and resentment. This is one of the things to do when you’re feeling angry with your partner.


10. Engage Yourself With An Activity To Distract You

Just as I mentioned in tip 9, writing is one of the activities you can engage yourself with to help distract you from the feeling of anger. Other activities you can keep yourself busy with are exercise, arranging your space, running errands, or simply just doing your favorite things; these are steps for when he makes you angry.


What To Do When He Makes You Angry Over Text

I personally think it’s easier to control your feelings of anger when your partner makes you angry over text. It’s easy to just go offline and decide not to text him any more till you feel better, but here are a few tips to stay calm when he makes you angry over text.


1. Tell Him How You Feel Through Texts

Express how sad and hurt you are to him through texts. Thank goodness you can’t see him physically, so this is your chance to let him know he hurts you without being scared or intimidated by his look.


2. Be Careful With Your Words While Texting

The kind of words you use while texting is very important and that’s why you should try as much as possible to be calm about the situation before texting him, this is one of the answers to what to do when he makes you angry over text.


3. Take A Little Break From Texting Him

Left to me, I handle and control my anger mostly with silence, if your man made you angry while texting, to avoid saying things you would regret, it’s better you just take a short break from texting him.


4. Don’t Hold Grudges For Long

And this is why I said take a “short” break from texting – emphasis on “short” cause you shouldn’t be holding grudges with him for too long.


5. Find A Solution To The Problem

After doing all of these things mentioned above as things to do when he makes you angry over text, it is important to come to a resolution and find a way to solve the problem you both have, this is one of the sane things to do when he makes you angry.


Phrases To Avoid When You’re Angry With Your Partner

In the heat of an argument, it’s easy to say things that can cause irreparable damage to your relationship. Reasons why I have compiled some common phrases to avoid when you’re angry with your partner.

1. “F#ck you”

2. “B#stard”

3. “I regret meeting you”

4. “You are the worst partner have ever had”

5. “You are a fool”

6. “You have never made me happy”

7. “My ex treated me better”

8. “I’m tired of this relationship”

9. “All you do is make me cry”

10. “This relationship is a waste of time”


Read also: 10 Hurtful words you should stop saying in a Marriage


Final Thoughts On Steps For When He Makes You Angry

To cut it all short, here is a quick recap of what we discussed earlier on things to do when he makes you angry.

So, when you are angry, it’s important to take a deep breath and stay calm. Avoid saying hurtful things that you might regret later. Take some time alone to calm down and process your thoughts and feelings. Try to gain perspective and come up with a plan for how to handle the situation that made you angry.

Doing all of these things mentioned as answers to what to do when he makes you angry, would help you not to make the whole issue more complicated.

Which of these steps you’ve taken when your mate made you angry? Kindly let me know in the comments!


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steps for when he makes you angry

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Author: Lover Sphere

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